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Election Results for East New Britain Province 2022

 Below are the progressive results of top five candidates for East New Britain Regional and Open Seats.  updated : 31 /07/22 – All seats completed and Declared  Rabaul Open (Top Five Candidates)  ( Declared ) GRAHAM PINIAU RUMET         PANGU 5192 (Declared Winner ) ALLAN MARAT                          MLP 5189RAYMOND PAULIAS                 ULP 2,344WAYNE COLEMAN TAMSAK NA        1,281TAUPA PUIPUI                         URP 999 —————————— Gazelle Open  (Top Five candidates) (Declared)  JELTA WONG URP 9,348 (Declared after elimination)  MALAKAI TABAR NAP 6,373JELTA WONG URP 8,537MALAKAI TABAR NA 5,764PAUL RAIA LP 4,977 —————————— Pomio Open (Top Five candidates) ( Declared )  ELIAS KAPAVORE               PNC 11,949 (Declared winner on Absolute Majority)  BENEDICT TATI                       NA 5,761PAUL YOSEF TIENSTEN       IND 3,935WILLIAM RAVE KOIATUNA    LP 813PETER KAIOPUNA               NGP 365 ————————————— Kokopo Open