I don’t know about you (so plz tell me), but right now my feet are itching like they’ve never itched before (thanks Corona). My second favourite place to visit at the moment (second only to the green grocers) is my kitchen. Anyone who knows me (which, despite my constant oversharing on the web, is very few people) knows that my culinary skills are like my taste in sexual partners – foreign and extremely varied… I didn’t learn how to cook until I left England, so I learnt how to cook Italian food in Italy, Thai food in Thailand and, well, you get the picture.. Now I’ve got my daily word vomit out of the way I’m going to do something unusual – stfu and let the experts take over: I searched for bloggers from all over the world and asked them what the best vegan food is from their country (and/or their adopted country). This is what they came up with: #1. Vegan Indian Food: Khichudi India is varied, so is her food culture. While a lot of us ea...