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Blog Tour - Dark Stranger by Susan Sizemore (& Giveaway - closed)

CONGRATS TO LUCKY WINNER – SUE!         Readers, please join me welcoming New York Times and USA Today bestseller Susan Sizemore , author of Dark Stranger who’s guest blogging here today! DARK STRANGER (Pocket Star, 384 pp, Isbn:978-1416562139) is a fun, fresh “extra” in the Vampire Primes romance series, featuring a vampire hero who rescues a captured human princess-in-disguise in a futuristic paranormal world. But don’t worry! This also makes a great stand-alone. Thanks to Sarah of Pocket Books, I was able to request Susan to write about how difficult or different it is to write a vampire into a futuristic romance and here is her great response! I’ve been asked to blog about how difficult it is to write a vampire into a futuristic romance. This is a fantastic topic! First off, I have to say that I do not believe in “real” vampires. It’s my job to make myself and readers believe in the fictional vampires I create. It’s not just the vampires that have to seem real, but the world the


Kepada pengunjung setia Tasco Minimart, terhitung mulai tanggal 6 Mei – 20 Mei 2020 Tasco Minimart buka dari pukul 10.00 – 18.00 WIB, berhubung adanya Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB). Tasco Minimart mendapatkan informasi untuk Provinsi Jawa Barat akan menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) yang berlaku bagi semua kabupaten/kota mulai Rabu 6 Mei 2020. PSBB yang telah disetujui Menteri Kesehatan Terawan Agus Putranto itu berlangsung untuk masa terpanjang inkubasi virus corona yaitu 14 hari atau hingga 19 Mei mendatang. Untuk mematuhi peraturan pemerintah Tasco Minimart tetap buka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat, dengan jam operasional pukul 10.00 – 18.00 WIB selama PSBB berlangsung. Tasco Minimart, murah, lengkap dan nyaman.