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Author Guest Post - Fiona Ingram

Readers, please join me welcoming Fiona Ingram who will be guest blogging here today! Her book, The Secret of the Sacred Scarab , is a thrilling adventure for two young boys, whose fun trip to Egypt turns into a dangerously exciting quest to uncover an ancient and mysterious secret. Sounds like a great read! No wonder it was just nominated a Finalist in the Children’s Fiction section of the USA National Best Books 2009 Awards. It got the same nomination earlier this year in the New Generation 2009 Indie Book Awards. Transforming Your Non Reader into a Reader Parents already know that books are vital to their child’s scholastic achievements, and developing life skills. It can be disappointing when your child expresses absolutely no interest in reading. However, you can change that by coming up with new and interesting ways to ‘package’ the art of reading. Reading is a skill, just like any other skill. It has to be introduced, nurtured, and developed. Imagine trying to play champi...