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Vegetable gardening: Growing Cucumbers by Sowing and germinating Seeds

Growing cucumbers by sowing seeds would appear straightforward at face value but this tropical food crop from India requires minimum temperatures for it to both germinate and then grow. Keep the seeds to cold and they won’t germinate, keep the young plants too cold and they will go into shock and refuse to grow! So in this video English Horticulturists Simon and Lorna explain in detail the timings and techniques required to grow cucumbers from seed successfully as well as avoiding the pitfalls of sowing too early or planting out when it is till too cold. If you would like to see more content like this then check out our other videos on our YouTube channel ‘Waling Talking Gardeners’. It is absolutely free to subscribe to ad you can unsubscribe instantly at any time. If you would like to be notified when we publish a new video then click onto the notification bell icon.

Election Results for Bougainville 2022

 The progressive election results for Bougainville  Regional seat the open seats are given below. Only the top five candidates results are stated. Updated : 31 /07/2022 ( all seats declared)  BOUGAINVILLE REGIONAL (Declared )  Peter Tsiamalili PANGU 47,560 (declared winner after elimination )  John Lawrence Momis IND 8,923Joe Lera URP 8,592Andrew Kamou Miriki PNGP 2,014Jonah Matevai IND 1,288 ——————————————– CENTRAL BOUGAINVILLE OPEN (declared)  FR. Simon Dumarinu SDP 5348 (declared winner after elimination) Jimmy Miringtoro LP 3905 William A Reinhardt IND 2030 Lohial Nuau IND 1479 Flynn N Detou ILP 678 ————————– SOUTH BOUGAINVILLE OPEN Top five candidates (Declared )  TIMOTHY MASIU PANGU 10,987 (Declared winner after eliminations )  HERMAN BUAGO MICHEAL URP 5,403ALBERT PUNGHAU PNC 5,288NEHEMIAH PIIKA WESMA IND 2,750ROBERT KEBAU SDP 1,779 ——————————- NORTH BOUGAINVILLE  Top five candidates (Declared) WILLI

Review: Peugeot 308SW Hybrid - Brian Byrne, Irish Car

It’s the small things that make you feel good or bad about a car, writes Brian Byrne. I recently wrote about how difficult it was on one model to disconnect driver assistance features that annoy me. If you have to do it by navigating a touch-screen, it’s no good. But there are carmakers who get it right. That was a thought when I got into a Peugeot 308 SW estate for another take on a car I have liked since it was launched here last year. While the driver assists, including the dratted lane-keeping, are default from start, there’s a button on the steering wheel to disconnect-reconnect them. It’s even labelled ‘Assist’. Simple. Thoughtful. Designed by drivers instead of screen-time addicts. Any carmaker who doesn’t do it this way should look at the current Peugeot, Citroen, DS, and Opel compact models. And learn. This latest 308 is the third generation of that car. The style details are right on message with the latest overall Peugeot look. A sharp-looking front end with deep-set slim he