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Showing posts with the label thejessicaxwolf leaked

Unboxing Tortoise super complicated Lego - Likey!

Unboxing videos are a cultural phenomenon and of course we at the ‘Walking Talking Gardeners’ YouTube channel are never ones to shy away from jumping onto any popular band wagon. That being said welcome to our very first Unboxing video where English Horticulturist Lorna opens up a brand new box of lego-likey bricks to build herself a brand new tortoise to add to her already ‘too-many’ collection of tortoise garden art. This my opinion not hers. So start yourself in and prepare you mind for Lorna boxing video and if you like this kind of content then don’t worry as i will be publishing my very own unboxing video in the next to distant future. If you would like to get in contact with us on any subject then write something in the comments, we would love to hear from you. Also don’t forget that you can support this channel by pressing the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button.

Fuchsia Gall Mite - What is KIlling my Fuchsia?

Fuchsias used to be a mainstay of the garden and why wouldn’t it be? Originating predominately from the tropical or subtropical regions of south America. For years Fuchsia used to be bullet proof with very little problems with pests and diseases but recently this has changed. If you are looking at your Fuchsias and wondering what on earth is all that hard, horrible cankerous growth then you are not alone. Sadly, gone are the days when fuchsia will look amazing and continue to flower until the first hard frost. Now they look stunted, sickly and full of distorted, shapeless lumps! So what is causing this scurge on one of our favourite garden plants and what can you do about it? Well it’s not good news as English horticulturists Simon explants just what Fuchsia gall mite is and what can be done about it. If you would like to see more content like this the why not support us by ‘SUBSCRIBING’ to our YouTube channel ‘Walking Talking Gardeners’. It is absolu...