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Amelanchier ovalis ‘Edelweiss’ Amelanchier ovalis is one of the slower growing species within the genus but is notable as an ornamental garden plant for its gorgeous blooms, in particular the ‘Edelweiss’ cultivar. Native to Central and Southern Europe, North Africa and Western Asia Amelanchier ovalis was introduced to European gardens in 1596 and has since become one of the most popular of all available Amelanchier forms. Amelanchier autumn colour Under favourable conditions you can expect Amelanchier ovalis ‘Edelweiss’ to grow between 3-4 metres height. It has an upright habit with ovate leaves. The leaves emerge dark green in colour but are white and woolly underneath which gives them an overall silvery effect. As the leaves mature the woolly growth disappears. Come the autumn the leaves will often provide a good show of colour turning to shades of orange, red and yellow before leaf drop. The large white flowers appear in April in clusters of 6 inch...

Tropical Gardens UK: 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Planting Exotic Sago Palm...

Sago Palms or Cycads – Cycas revoluta are a fantastic choice for the tropical effect, cold hardy, exotic garden. However there are a few mistakes you need to avoid when planting or potting them on. In this video English horticulturist Simon explains what you need to know to get the best performance out of this wonderful plant. One of the first things to know is that the Sago palm requires a slightly acidic compost, and that the compost itself need to be well draining as cycads can be susceptible to soil borne fungal infections. Most cycads are sold as either houseplants or kept under cover outside which means the foliage is grown fairly soft which can put this plant at risk when placed directly into a position that receives full sun. If you would like to see more content like this then check out our YouTube channel ‘Walking Talking Gardeners’. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at anytime. Don’t for get that you can click onto...