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PNG Election Result : Rosso leads Lae Open count

 The country’s Deputy Prime Minister and Lae MP John Rosso, is still leading the Lae Open Seat race after count 10 this afternoon. Mr. Rosso, who is a PANGU Pati candidate, managed to collect 3, 201 votes to give him a comfortable lead, while running in a distant second is businessman and Independent candidate, Mathew Minape with 874 votes. Coming in third is People’s National Congress Party candidate, Fabian Peter with 655 votes. On fourth placing is Shepard Gaya Way, also an Independent candidate with 400 votes, and in fifth placing is Edward Makarios, an Indigenous Liberation Party candidate with 344 votes. Count 11 is currently underway. Results for the Regional Seats will not be released as yet, because polling is currently still continuing for other Districts in the province. NBC / PNG Today Next :  Acting PM Rosso outlines importance of PNG Prime Minister Marape’s attendance at PIF

African Cacti 'Stapelia schinzii' - Carrion Flower Cactus

Stapelia schinzii (otherwise known as the Carrion Flower) is a wonderful looking specimen and native to SW. Angola to Namibia. It is a succulent subshrub and grows primarily in the desert or dry shrublands often under the light cover of larger plants. It was first discovered for western science in 1908, its findings published in the German publication Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zürich 53: 491 by A.Berger & Schltr. It is the largest flowering Stapelia in the Namibia (but not within the entire genus) with a bloom reaching upwards of 20cm. The  size is important as it is fly pollinated and required the surface area to produce the pungent carrion-like odour to attract them. As an ornamental specimen it can be grown as a glass house specimen or outside during mild weather as either groundcover or as a hanging basket plant. Careful watering is required over the summer months but keep them dry over the winter with a minimum temperature of around 10 degrees.

5 Best Ways To Give Back To The Community

Do you believe you have some responsibility towards your community or the society you survive in? Do you feel you need to pay back to your community? Do you feel like helping the members of your society and being helpful in any humanitarian acts ? If yes, then there are so many opportunities available to us which makes helping the community a lot easier. Some of the simplest ways include volunteering at a local school or a hospital, helping the victims, serving the elderly, respecting the neighbours in every way and most important and easiest of all is to access yourself and be a good human being for everyone around. On the contrary, there might be some people who would negate this concept of helping others and the community. They might question this culture. Why is there a need to help the community? Why should they put in efforts to pay back to the community? What would they receive at the end of the day? Or who helped them during their struggles? To all such questions, there is