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Tropical gardens UK How to Pot and Plant Exotic Nerine (Guernsey Lily) ...

Native to the tropical climates of South Africa, Nerines (Guernsey Lilies) have different needs when you pot them on or plant them in an exotic garden. In this video English horticulturist Simon explains the conditions required to get the very best out of these wonderful bulbs.  Apart from the extremely hardy Nerine bowdenii, it just isn’t recommended to plant these gorgeous bulbs outside in the UK so in order to provide the best environment for flowering they will fair far better in a greenhouse. This is because the require warmer temperatures (especially over the winter) and dry winters. On the other hand, Nerine bowdenii is as tough as old boots, at least in the south of England, where it can stand up to the worst our soft winters can through at it. Simply plant it in a sunny position (preferably against the protection of a south-facing wall) in a well drained soil. If you would like to see more content like this then check out our YouTube channel ‘Walking Talking Gardene...

Bitcoin Is Easily hacked: Complete List of Cryptocurrency Hacks [2011-2018] – Chapter[2.9] R[23]

Can you hack cash aka paper currency? Of course you can’t, same is the case with Bitcoin protocol. You can’t hack electronic cash but you can rob a bank or an exchange . Similarly you can’t hack the bitcoin algorithm but you can hack the digital banks ( wallets ) and exchanges . The important question to ask here is: Which one is more vulnerable when it comes to security of your wealth: Cash or Bitcoin? The answer is: Bitcoin is surely the most vulnerable currency ever made in history! To rob a bank, you need to put your life in danger, team up with a group of robbers and take up guns and explosives but to rob a Bitcoin wallet, you just need a good laptop! Believe it or not! Just as I was writing, I discovered that on Jan 26, 2018 , one of Japan’s largest Tokyo-based digital currency exchange CoinCheck had been hacked, resulting in the theft of $534 million worth of NEM , and making it the biggest cryptocurrency theft in history far bigger than that of MTGOX where $450 million w...