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Showing posts with the label xo_vanny

Tropical Gardens UK: January Upgrades for our Young Exotic Effect Cold H...

Even in the cold depths of winter January has forced us from our heated blankets to do some  time-sensitive work in the garden. However if we don’t do it now we risk damaging the emerging bulbs planted last year as well as lose an opportunity to move some ill-placed plants while they are still dormant. We also made an Avatar tree! The opportunities where soil conditions are reasonable and its not too cold to work in are rare, so it makes sense to create a hierarchy of jobs that can be actioned quickly when conditions allow. Dipsite still technically being winter, walking around the local area we can see daffodils, snowdrops and a few crocus coming into bloom so you have to be really careful about not damaging the emerging bulbs when you are walking on what looks to be baron plant borders. If you would like to see more content like this then check out our YouTube channel ‘Walking Talking Gardener’. It is free to subscribe and you can unsubscribe whenever you like instan...