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Blog Tour - Pat Synder's The Dog Ate My Planner

Readers, please join me welcoming Pat Synder, author of The Dog Ate My Planner – Tales and Tips from an Overbooked Life who’s stopping here today as part of her virtual tour, courtesy Pump Up Your Book Promotion ! Doggone it! No matter how carefully you organize and plan, some dog comes along and eats your day. Could be the computer freezes, or mom misplaces her purse over at the assisted living center, or a brand new granddog is experiencing separation anxiety. In The Dog Ate My Planner, Pat Snyder offers the sandwich generation a whole new approach to getting organized: lots of fun stories about life gone wrong, plus 74 fun tips for setting it right. HOLIDAY SPARKS SKIRMISH BETWEEN THE TWO OF ME Don’t get me wrong. I’m as quick as the next to rail against commercialism. “Hrumph!” I say to stores that open their doors at 6 a.m. the day after Thanksgiving. “Too much!” I say to the megapounds of catalogs that slide from our mailbox with a “Hurry Now!” shout. But the truth is, it’s not