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Tropical Garden UK: November Exotic Garden maintenance

It finally came! A day when it had stopped raining and the sun began to shine! I can’t put it off any longer as it was a perfect day for working on the garden – despite the strong winds. However garden maintenance in November is not much fun so I have made this video as fun as my imagination would allow. So beside dealing with the carnage which is my busted hardy banana, I need to clear out all of the collapsing and degrading specimens such as the Dahlias and Coleus, remove any dead or dying foliage and pick up the huge amount of apples that the last storm ripped from the tree.  You would also look at doing perhaps your final weeding but I don’t really have too many weeds in this as I have been intolerant of such things for years and never allow then to take hold if one catches my eye! Anyway if you would like to watch more content like this the click onto the subscribe button and notification bell.