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Pacific Racing Betting Shop not shutting down : NGCB

The PNG National Gaming Control Board has refuted claims over social media that it will shut down the popular Pacific Racing Betting Shop nationwide. In a statement, NGCB Chief Executive Officer Imelda Agon says all Pacific Racing Shop Licenses are current and are in operation. She says spreading of rumors or fake news on social media with the intent to incite anger, frustration and tarnish the good name of the State-Owned Organisation is ridiculous, outrageous and unreasonable.  Ms. Agon is urging citizens and especially media users to be wary of fake new and scammers adding that the NGCB is committed in ensuring the operation of the gaming industry remains uninterrupted at this time as the industry in recovering from the closure of operation due to COVID-19. However, the CEO is encouraging punters to gamble responsibly bearing in mind their limits.  NBC News / PNG Today Next :  PNG Parliament Induction for New MPs gets underway

PNG expects to complete K58.3 Million Cancer Facility by September 2023

 A team from the Papua New Guinea Ministry of Health, led by the Minister paid a visit today to the Cancer Centre construction site at the Port Moresby General Hospital to inspect and see the progress of the K58.3million world class project. PNG expects to complete K58.3 Million Cancer Facility by September 2023 [Photo by FM 100] According to Minister Dr Lino Tom the purpose of the visit was to shed some light on the progress made so far on this vital project and to make Papua New Guineans understand the  main goal and purpose of the health services in the country and also the Ministry of Health. The construction project is currently heading into it’s second phase which is expected to be completed in two weeks time. Shadow Health Minister and Pomio MP Elias Kapavore in his remarks pledged to support the Cancer construction project with K500,000 through his districts DSIP funds. Port Moresby General Hospital’s Chief Executive Officer Dr Paki Molumi  stated that the engineering pahase of