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Immune System & Autoimmunity

  IMMUNE SYSTEM WHAT IS  IMMUNE SYSTEM ?                 Immune system is one of the mechanisms in our body that serves as a protective line of defense against unwanted substances that invade our body. The unwanted substances include bacteria, virus, fungi and toxins . Immune system should be able to distinguish between healthy tissues and these unwanted substances so that it can do its work; get rid of them from our body . Other than unwanted substances, it can also recognize and remove dead and faulty cells .                                           White blood cells (leukocytes) – responsible for protecting your body from infection. They circulate in blood and lymph. The spleen – a fist-sized organ in the upper left side of your abdomen, next to your stomach and behind your left ribs. Mainly act as blood filter.  The bone marrow – The soft, spongy tissue that has many blood vessels and is found in the center of most bones. Makes nearly all the components of you...


WHAT IS STRESS? According to WHO, stress is defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain.  THERE ARE DIFFERENT TYPES OF STRESS?! Stress can be divided into two types, acute stress and chronic stress. Acute stress is short-term and tends to reduce after the problem is resolved. Chronic stress is long-term and dangerous. Chronic stress will affect our body mentally and physically over time. WHO CAN BE AFFECTED BY STRESS? Everyone can be affected by stress regardless of their age. Early childhood should have been filled with happy thoughts without any worries. Children as early as preschoolers can be affected by stress.  Teenage years or adolescence period is a very awkward phase for everyone since we are still exploring things and building our own identity. It is understandable that teenagers often feel pressured. Being an adult comes with a lot of responsibilities and commitments, there are a lot of things that we need to think and consider.  The...


    According to DSM V, anxiety disorders include disorders that share features of excessive fear and anxiety and related behavioral substances. According to (Munir et al. 2019) anxiety disorders are the ones that crop up the most frequently, making them the most prevalent kind of mental illness in this world. Fear is the emotional response to a real or perceived imminent threat, whereas anxiety is the anticipation of future threats . Obviously, these two states overlap, but they also differ, with fear more often associated with surges of autonomic arousal necessary for fight or flight, thoughts, immediate danger, and escape behaviors, and anxiety more often associated with muscle tension and vigilance in preparation for future danger and cautions or avoidant behaviors. Panic attacks feature prominently within anxiety disorders as a particular type of fear response. Panic attacks are not limited to anxiety disorders but rather can be seen in other mental disorders as well. The picture ...


  4 HORMONES IN OUR BRAIN  That Promote Happiness The human brain is the command center for the nervous system and not only brain is a complex organ, but it has at least three levels of functions that affect all aspects of our daily lives: interpretation of senses and control of movement; maintenance of cognitive, mental, and emotional processes; and maintenance of normal behavior and social cognition (14).  According to research, there are four primary brain chemicals (hormones) that are responsible for a substantial portion of an individual’s level of happiness. Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins are the names of the four chemicals that are found in the brain. 1. DOPAMINE Dopamine, also known as the “happy hormone” and sometimes “love hormone” is responsible for producing sensations of general well-being. As a neurotransmitter, dopamine is what drives us on toward our objectives (2 & 12). When we complete a task or achieve a goal, our brain releases dopami...


  alamak! RUAM LAMPIN? Ruam lampin adalah bentuk kulit meradang yang muncul sebagai tampalan kulit merah terang di bahagian punggung bayi. apakah sebab-sebabnya? Sebab utama ruam lampin adalah kelembapan . Oleh kerana bayi, terutama bayi yang baru lahir, membuang air kecil dan membuang najis longgar, selalu terdapat sedikit kelembapan yang tersisa di kulit bayi. Ini adalah masalah khusus pada bayi dengan kulit sensitif dan boleh berlaku walaupun dengan perubahan lampin yang kerap. Bayi yang dibiarkan tinggal di dalam lampin kotor mereka untuk jangka masa yang panjang mempunyai kemungkinan lebih tinggi terkena ruam lampin. apakah simptom ruam lampin? kemerahan dan kerengsaan – kemerahan kawasan kemaluan dan sekitar paha dan punggung (kebiasaannya kawasan yang telah ditutupi oleh lampin). Kawasan yang terjejas kebanyakannya meradang dan boleh menyebabkan kering atau lembap dan kadang-kadang berjerawat. Apa yang boleh anda lakukan untuk mengurangkan kejadian ruam lampin? 1)   Tukar...


Kepada pengunjung setia Tasco Minimart, terhitung mulai tanggal 6 Mei – 20 Mei 2020 Tasco Minimart buka dari pukul 10.00 – 18.00 WIB, berhubung adanya Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB). Tasco Minimart mendapatkan informasi untuk Provinsi Jawa Barat akan menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) yang berlaku bagi semua kabupaten/kota mulai Rabu 6 Mei 2020. PSBB yang telah disetujui Menteri Kesehatan Terawan Agus Putranto itu berlangsung untuk masa terpanjang inkubasi virus corona yaitu 14 hari atau hingga 19 Mei mendatang. Untuk mematuhi peraturan pemerintah Tasco Minimart tetap buka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat, dengan jam operasional pukul 10.00 – 18.00 WIB selama PSBB berlangsung. Tasco Minimart, murah, lengkap dan nyaman.

Tasco Delivery

Tasco Minimart kini bisa Delivery Order, di masa virus Corona/Covid-19 seluruh warga di harapkan berada dirumah demi memutus rantai penyebaran virus Corona/Covid-19. Tasco Minimart memudahkan anda dalam berbelanja, cukup stay di rumah anda bisa chat Costumer Service Tasco Delivery dan membuat list belanjaan anda, jangan lupa cantumkan alamat pengirimannya agar Mang Grab mudah mengantar belanjaan anda. Untuk mendapatkan layanan Tasco Delivery anda harus berbelanja minimal Rp 50.000,- saja. Tasco Minimart, murah, lengkap dan nyaman.