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Stop Motion "Joged"

This video is about stop motion of Balinesse Dance “Joged”, made from 600 of van dyke prints/brown prints on (image) size about 24×36 mm.
Joged dance has quite fast & energetic choreography. That dance was performed by Irma Indriyani, shoot on video in 30 fps, cut into 60 seconds, then extracted to 1800 frames.
I’ve pick 600 frames (1 frame every 3 frames), tonal adjusted and converted those frames into grayscale, inverted to negative images and made that into a single contact sheet file.
Next step is printed that contact sheet into prepress/offset film, cut into every single frame and printed by van dyke technique.
At the printing stage i worked with 7 printing artists from KOPPI (Keluarga Old Photographic Process ISI/Old Photographic Process Family of Indonesia Institute of Art) : Husain HAH, Aprillio Akbar, Arfi Darmawan, Dimas Parikesit, Afusa Nidya, Aloysius Assyu, Syaura Qotrunadha.
All of those frames printed individually on 50×60 mm 104 grams paper.
After printing process, i photographed all prints one by one, and assembled into 60 seconds video (excluding title & credit). Every 1 second video made from 10 frames (prints) and played in 30 fps.
