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6 Tips for Staying Safe on a Camping Trip

Going camping may be a whole lot of fun, but you have to think about how best to keep safe as well. For a successful trip, staying alert is essential. With the right planning and preparation, it is possible to have a great campout, but don’t set off without thinking about how you’re going to stay vigilant and keep your wits about you. This guide has six tips for staying safe on a camping trip that everyone should take on board before they set off on a big adventure.

Take Enough Water with You

Staying hydrated is an extremely important part of hiking and camping. Whether you are doing a short walk or a long one, your body needs to stay well hydrated in order to avoid becoming exhausted or gravely ill. Take enough water to last for the entire length of your trip, and make sure you factor in things like washing too so that you don’t run out of potable liquid. Don’t forget, if the weather is going to be particularly warm, you will need to account for this and over-compensate when it comes to how much water you take with you too.

Be Aware of Animals

Animals are just a part of the package when it comes to camping outdoors. They are a part of nature and something every camper should be aware of. While most of them are largely harmless to humans, there are certain species out there that pose a big risk to safety and may cause injury if happened upon. Take some time out to ensure you know all of the potential predators in the area you’re going to camp in, and how best to avoid them so your trip isn’t cut short by a nasty confrontation.

Stay Alert for Adverse Weather

As well as animals, it’s also vital to consider the weather conditions. Some areas are prone to flash floods or storms that could strike at certain points in the year. By learning the vulnerabilities, you can be better prepared and deal with any adverse weather that may strike while you’re sleeping outdoors. Certain types of weather are very dangerous for humans without sufficient shelter and knowledge, so don’t get caught out.

Take Note of the Closest Emergency Support

Wherever you go, ensure that you know exactly where the nearest point of support would be in an emergency. Take steps to make sure you are able to contact them if necessary and get to know any codes or emergency protocols that might be helpful too.

Consider Taking a Firearm

Some campers choose to take a weapon along with them, especially if they are exploring territory inhabited by aggressive animals like bears or wolves. There are lots of weapons and ammo commonly used for personal safety, and it’s a good idea to think seriously about taking one along just in case the need arises. Hopefully, you won’t have to use it, but it’s good to have options should the unthinkable happen.

Put Out Your Campfire Properly

Lastly, always take care when using a campfire. It is a common practice to cook food on an open fire or camp stove while trekking outdoors. However, not enough people know how to put them out properly. When a fire is left unattended or not extinguished properly, the results could be disastrous. You put wildlife, nature, and everything in the surrounding area at risk of severe damage if you don’t take the basic steps for fire safety and precaution.

Staying safe on a camping trip is a top priority. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to do just that. Find the right spot and learn all about it, and never hesitate to think about the best methods of self-defence just in case.
