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Author Guest Post - Bernadine Feagins

Readers, please join me welcoming Bernadine Feagins, author of Hakim & Terrance Shadow Mystery who’s guest blogging here today, courtesy Pump Up Your Book Promotion.

Hakim & Terrance Shadow Mystery is a children’s book about a boy named Hakim, his faithful dog, Shadow, and his best friend, Terrance. Shadow disappears one day and with the help of Terrance, Hakim’s family and people from the neighborhood, Hakim and Shadow are reunited. The book depicts friendship, hope and devotion to a dog.

Both my son and my nephew love dogs, so they were my inspiration for this story. I based my characters on real children. If children can identify with characters, it helps them interpret the events around them and help them solve their own problems like Hakim and Terrance learned as they searched for Shadow.

I want children to know that it is important to do the right thing, even though that isn’t always easy. The book is easy to read and understand. It will also help children survive a most difficult time in their life while learning to deal with life on their own.


Bernadine Feagins is a new author who is looking forward to many years of writing children’s books. She has always had a love of children and worked many years in early childhood education. During these times she witnessed the joy children felt as she would demonstratively read books. In addition she is a very active mom who loves to nurture not only her children, but those of family and community. She often had story time with those she loved and cared for. She developed her story telling skills through the numerous books she read to children, this gave her an inspiration to tell her own story. Hakim and Terrance Shadow Mystery is the result. When Bernadine isn’t reading to children or involved in some other child nurturing activity, she can be found as a business woman that works for the IRS. Bernadine is available for interviews, book signings or public reading in schools and libraries.

Visit Bernadine online at

Thanks for stopping by, dear author. My fellow readers and visitors of this blog – as always, you’re invited to leave a comment or question for the author.

Note – This book was received for review/feature consideration.
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