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Author Guest Post - Karen White (& Giveaway - closed)


Readers, please join me welcoming Karen White, author of The Girl On Legare Street who will be guest blogging here today! This book continues the story of Melanie Middleton and Jack Trenholm that was such fun in last November’s The House on Tradd Street. In it, Karen returns to Charleston where Melanie and Jack’s relationship remains rocky, the house on Tradd Street continues to be renovated and there are messages—and a mystery—from the spirit world waiting.

 Things You’re Not Supposed to do to be a Successfully Published Author: My Career in a Nutshell

On November 3rd, my 11th published novel since 2000, The Girl On Legare Street, will hit bookstore shelves everywhere. I can hardly believe I’ve written so many books–more, really, when you include the completed manuscript languishing under my bed and the nearly completed manuscript I’m currently slaving over. Which would make it 13 books but who’s counting?

I started out in this business blessedly ignorant of everything: the do’s, the don’ts, how to format a manuscript (yes, I thought two-sided single spaced was okay for submission), how to outline, POV, and pacing among others. All I knew was that I loved to read, and friends and family members had always encouraged me to write. (I’m sure this encouragement had nothing to do with the fact that every company I’ve ever worked for has filed for Chapter 11 protection. I swear it’s not me).

My very first book, started one day with the naiveté of a nubile ingénue while my kids were napping, was a time-travel historical set in the South during the American Civil War (or “War of Northern Aggression” depending on where you were raised) and written in first person. I’m glad nobody told me I shouldn’t write that story and definitely not in first person because it turned out to be a pretty good book and sold to the second publisher my agent sent it to.

Since then I’ve written a gothic historical (ala my idol Victoria Holt), two contemporary mainstream romances, five southern women’s fiction novels (“grit-lit”), and two (the second being The Girl on Legare Street) combination grit-lit/paranormal mysteries set in Charleston. I’m thinking with these last two (to eventually be a series of four books) I’ve developed an entirely new genre!

I’m glad I didn’t know the rules when I started, and even more glad that I became too busy writing to learn what they were as I wrote the books of my heart and my readership grew. My voice has been the same in all the books, carrying my readers along with me as I’ve changed and grown as a writer.

I don’t know what’s in store for me next. The only thing I know for sure is that I will continue to write the kinds of books I’d want to read, and that’s really what it’s all about, isn’t it?

It sure is, Karen. And I’m so glad you didn’t listen to any advice!


The Prize

A copy of this book will go to one lucky reader.

To Enter
Karen has written books in so many genres (see her post). What would you, as a reader, like to read from her next? A new genre perhaps, or maybe a sequel to one of her existing novels?

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Deadline   Midnight CST of December 7, 2009.

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DISCLOSURE – I received a copy of this book for review consideration.
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