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Blog Tour and Review - A Courtesan's Scandal by Julia London (& Giveaway - closed!)

A Courtesan’s Scandal by Julia London
Pocket Books, 384p, Isbn-1416547126

Kate Bergeron is the beautiful and mysterious former mistress of a cloth merchant…and the latest beauty to capture the interest of the Prince of Wales. Mired in a disastrous divorce, the Prince attempts to distract attention from his next amorous pursuit by ordering Grayson Christopher, the eligible Duke of Darlington, to pretend to London society that he is having an affair with Kate.

When Grayson reluctantly agrees to his Prince’s demand, he finds the lady no more willing than he is. Kate will grudgingly act the part in public, but her favors are not for sale to any man. As Grayson and Kate mimic ardor for the world to see, they find what started as a deception becoming all too real. And when passion flames into love, their predicament becomes extreme. For while marriage between a duke and a courtesan could never happen, Kate knows in her heart that she is willing to accept nothing less.

To be honest, I love historical romances and Julia London is a particular favorite of mine. Despite that, I had trouble falling in love with this book. Just the other day an author had blogged about ‘suspension of disbelief’, but I found it very hard to do with this story. Despite a charming heroine and an ardent hero, the circumstances of their romance did not convince me and as a result, when I finished the book I was left with some misgivings. However, I did enjoy the individual characters even if I couldn’t get on board with their mutual romance.


The Prize

A copy of this book will go to one lucky reader.

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Deadline   Midnight CST of December 18, 2009.

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Note – This book was received for review.
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