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Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka arrives in PNG

 Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has arrived in Papua New Guinea and paid a courtesy call to the Government House.

He was welcomed by the Governor General His Excellency Sir Bob Dadae and a traditional Fiji Ceremony by the Fijian Community in Port Moresby.

Mr Rabuka is the first Prime Minister to arrive for the Pacific Leaders Summit, ahead of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins. They will be joined by other Pacific islands leaders in the coming days.

Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka at Government Haus, Photo by Kalang FM
PM  Rabuka acknowledged His Excellency Grand Chief Sir Bob Dadae for welcoming him and his delegation to the Government House.

According to statement released by the Fiji government,  Prime Minister Honourable Sitiveni Rabuka is leading a government delegation to Papua New Guinea (PNG) today (18 May) to join other regional leaders at the 3rd Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC).

This  also be Hon. Rabuka’s first official visit to the world’s third largest island country.

At the invitation of the Prime Minister of India Honourable Shri Narendra Modi, the forum will be an opportunity for Hon. Rabuka to meet with his Indian counterpart to discuss issues of common interest.

Prime Minister Rabuka said he is “looking forward to meeting Hon. Modi at the forum to advance discussions on regional cooperation and the bilateral relations between Fiji and India”.

The first FIPIC was held in Fiji in 2015 while the second one took place in Jaipur, India in 2016.

After the FIPIC,  the Pacific leaders will also meet with a high-level delegation from the United States of America where they will discuss key thematic areas of cooperation and challenges critical to the region and the U.S.

Some of these challenges include combating climate change, protecting our maritime resources, and advancing resilient and inclusive economic growth.

The meeting demonstrates the US and Pacific’s deep historical and people-to-people ties.

While in PNG, Prime Minister Rabuka will also meet with the Governor-General Sir Bob Bofeng Dadae and later with Prime Minister James Marape for a bilateral meeting, which follows on from their recent discussions in Suva, early this year.

Prime Minister Rabuka’s meeting with the Governor-General and Hon. Marape reaffirms Fiji’s unwavering commitment to regional solidarity and our traditional ties.

The re-opening of Fiji’s High Commission in Port Moresby will also be at the forefront of discussions between the two leaders.

Prime Minister Rabuka will also meet with the Fijian community where he will provide an update on the government’s development priorities.

The delegation to PNG includes Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration Hon. Pio Tikoduadua, Acting Permanent Secretary for the Office of the Prime Minister Mr Pita Wise, Acting Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs Mr Esala Nayasi, Acting Permanent Secretary for Civil Service Mr Parmesh Chand, Mrs Suluweti Rabuka, Ambassador Mosese Tikoitoga and support staff.

Statement/PNG Today

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