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If you are looking to plant and grow Cordylines in your garden then you are in great company as this is one of the hardiest and most attractive architectural plants you can grow. Commonly known in the UK as the cabbage palm Cordyline australis is an evergreen ornamental tree endemic to New Zealand.
It has proven to be hardy enough to cope with UK winters and does so well on the south coast of England that it has now become naturalised. This means that it can produce viable seed which will germinate and grow on into mature trees. So good is its performance in the UK it has received the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit not just for the true species but also the following cultivars: ‘Albertii’, ‘Sundance’, ‘Torbay Dazzler’ and ‘Torbay Red’.
When choosing your site for planting look for a position which is either in full sun or at the very least semi-shadeed. Avoid shade as this will encourage weak, extending growth. Soil type is not too important although avoid heavy clay as this can stunt growth. Try to pick a area of soil that is moist but well-drained. Dry soils can be improved by digging in plenty of organic matter beforehand, whereas waterlogged soils can be managed buy planting into a raised bed.
In the first couple of years you will need to water your plants during periods of drought. If temperature look to drop below 8 degrees Celsius consider protecting the crown with a horticultural bag or fleece.
