The National Trade Portal of Papua New Guinea has been launched. The PNG Deputy Prime Minister, along with the Prime Minister, officially launched the portal at the Hilton Hotel in Port Moresby . The Agri-Tech Organics (PNG) Limited, a software development company, was responsible for creating this innovative and important tool.
The National Trade Portal of Papua New Guinea is an online platform designed to facilitate trade and information sharing between businesses in PNG and the rest of the world. It is a one-stop-shop for all trade-related information and services, providing businesses with easy access to the resources they need to succeed in today’s competitive global market.
Some of the key functions of the portal include:
1. Trade Information: The portal provides up-to-date and comprehensive information on trade policies, laws and regulations, tariffs, and other trade-related matters. This information is crucial for businesses to make informed decisions when conducting trade activities.
2. Trade Facilitation: The portal streamlines trade processes and procedures by providing a range of online services, such as customs declarations and permits. This makes it easier and more efficient for businesses to conduct trade activities.
3. Market Access: The portal provides information on export markets, including market requirements, standards, and regulations. This helps businesses to identify new export opportunities and expand their market reach.
The National Trade Portal of Papua New Guinea is a crucial tool in stimulating trade and information sharing in the country. By providing businesses with easy access to trade-related information and services, the portal will help to boost PNG’s exports and improve its competitiveness in the global market. We are proud to have played a role in developing this important tool, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on businesses in PNG.
All businesses in the country are urged to take advantage of this portal and explore the various resources available.
The portal can be accessed through this site ;
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