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PNG Education Minister directs Investigation into Grade 12 Examination Question Papers Errors

An independent investigation has been directed to look into the incident of a mistake that appeared in this year’s Grade-12 Geography examination question papers.

PNG Education Secretary Dr Uke Kombra told NBC News that Education Minister Jimmy Uguro has directed the investigation and is to have the report ready by mid-next month.

Kombra says at the Department level they are aware of the cause of the problem but an independent body needs to carry out its own findings and make recommendations so that the issue is addressed.

”The Terms of Reference (TOR) have been drafted already and we are going to engage two independent investigators with good knowledge of the department’s systems and with integrity to conduct the investigations,” said Dr. Komra.

More than 10,000 Geography Grade Twelve students have missed 35 points of their total examination marks.

It was discovered that a question provided a wrong topographic map for the students to refer to for answers.

This has resulted in a public outcry on the checks and balance system of the Education Department.

Meanwhile, Dr. Kombra has given his assurance that the missed 31 marks by the students will be made up and awarded accordingly to the respective students through the Department’s scaling up and standardized formula.

NBC News / PNG Today 

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