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PNG Election : Pangu Led Loloata Camp ready to form Government

 LEADERS of the political parties in the last Pangu-led coalition remain firm on their resolve to form government on Tuesday, 9 August 2022, to once more work together for Papua New Guinea for the next five years. 

Prime Minister James Marape announced this today (070822) in anticipation of his Pangu Pati being invited by the Governor-General to form the next government in the 11th Parliament of PNG consistent with requirements of Section 63 of the Organic Law of Political Parties and Candidates.

He said: “All leaders of coalition parties who are here with me have signed the MOA for a new coalition. With the inclusion of New Generation Party, this brings our coalition to 17 parties. United Resources Party stands as the second biggest with 11 Members.

“We are also embracing some parties that are now coming into the fold as well as more Independent candidates. We are an inclusive government, presently, cultivating what we will do together for our people.

“At the moment, in the physical headcount, we have 82 MPs in our retreat and at present indications from the count that is still going on, our coalition candidates are now leading in 13 of the 14 seats where counting is still going on. 

“We are ready to form government; the number is here and there is no split in Pangu or our coalition partners. We are set for the election of Speaker and Prime Minister after all our Members of Parliament are sworn in.”

PM Marape said the team has been in government and will continue the work of the last three years which includes stabilizing and growing the Economy, sustainable debt-financing and the installation of key programs in systems of government – Education, Health, and Law & Order as well as connecting PNG, and unbundling the country’s full economic potential especially in rural PNG. 

“We have shown the nation our ability and capability. Despite the ravaging impact of a global hundred-year pandemic, and global tension induced imported inflation, we have kept the nation’s heads above water and survived some of the most trying times in recent history” said the Prime Minister.

“We will not be wasting time. We are hitting the ground running with a care taker cabinet and a full cabinet at the earliest.

“The Government’s full To Do List will be announced on the 7th of September and a Supplementary Budget will be delivered on the 8th of September. 

“This is the benefit of having a continuing government because we have started the work of reconstructing our country over the last three years and we are looking very much forward to building on this.

“I want to ask one thing of our people. Have faith and trust in Pangu and our coalition partners to complete the work started in the last three years. You have given us your mandate and for that we will not let anyone or any place behind; we will do our best to make our country great,” said PM Marape.

Next : Muguwa Dilu declared Member-Elect for Kundiawa-Gembogl Open
