Prime Minister James Marape has urged Papua New Guineans not to illegally settle on untitled land in urban centres of the country.
He said this today (November 6, 2022) when announcing an exciting plan by Government to help people acquire land in towns and cities starting in 2023.
“I appeal to our people not to settle on land in urban centres that is untitled,” PM Marape said.
“The Government is working on an exciting programme, spearheaded by Deputy Prime Minister and Lands Minister Hon. John Rosso, to properly organise all urban areas so that people with proper titles are living on land legally acquired.
“I encourage our people not to just go and settle on any land which is not yours.
“People are also advised not to enter into any transactions with so-called ‘traditional landowners’, in an informal arrangement, as you may be evicted by someone else who claims to be the ‘proper landowner’.”
PM Marape said starting in 2023, the Government would acquire additional land in towns and cities which would be properly planned, so that working Papua New Guinens or those involved in small business would be given a small piece of land.
“This land programme which starts next year, will be very big in our towns and cities,” he said.
“This is to enable our people to own a piece of State land on which they have decent accommodation which is connected to electricity, water and other services.
“It pains me to see Papua New Guineans being evicted from land which is not theirs, which they moved onto in the first place because of the high cost of rental.”
PM Marape said in Port Moresby, the Government would work closely with National Capital District Governor Hon. Powes Parkop, on the ‘Settlements to Suburbs’ programme.
“We will put some money aside for this and will work on it,” he said.
“I also call on companies and individuals who claim to have title to land in the city, and have evicted settlers, to immediately develop this land that they claim to own.
“Why are people being evicted, as in Garden Hills and Morata, and the land is not being developed?
“My warning is that of this land is not developed, it will be forfeited back to the State, and distributed to people in a planned manner.”
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