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PNG PM Marape arrives in New York, USA

 Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape has arrived in the United States to attend the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meetings in New York.

Mr Marape and his wife Mrs Rachel Marape arrived at the JFK International airport at 3.15pm Wednesday 21st September 2022, New York time from London, UK where he attended the funeral of late Queen Elizabeth II.

They were received by Mr Max Rai, Ambassador and PNGs Permanent Representative to the UN and Charge d’ Affaires of the Embassy of PNG to US in Washington, Mr Cephas Kayo.

The theme for this year’s UNGA is “Solutions Through Solidarity, Sustainability and Science” which guides the work of the United Nations (UN) and its members. 

Prime Minister Marape will join world leaders in delivering national statements and participate in important discussions throughout the week at the UNGA debates. 

He will address the UN General Assembly when he delivers PNG’s country statement on Thursday, 22nd September at 2.30pm, New York time.

This will be the first time in two years that the United Nations will convene fully in-person meetings, while the past two sessions of the UNGA were held virtually during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The meetings are being held from the 19th to the 24th of September 2022.  

PM Marape’s UNGA delegation include Foreign Affairs Minister Justin Thatchenko, East New Britain Governor Michael Marum, Goilala MP Casmiro Aia, new Komo-Hulia electorate MP Daniel Tindipu and North Waghi MP Benjamin Mul.

Next : PNG PM’s XIII Orchids team announced to face Australia
