PORT MORESBY: Port Moresby City Manager, Ravu Frank this evening in the strongest possible terms condemned a fight between supporters of candidates over disputed ballot boxes in Moresby North-East Open Seat’s counting centre at the Sir John Guise Stadium.
A dispute over the boxes amongst scrutineers escalated this afternoon into a full-scale fight onto the John Guise and Waigani Drive roads.
Mr Frank described the filmed fight as disturbing and inhuman.
Calling for continued peace and order during the counting period, he calls on all parties to resort to lawful means to address their grievances other than resorting to violence like this.
City Manager Frank commended the swift intervention of the security personnel, under the leadership of Metropolitan Superintendant Gideon Ikumu, which prevented the fight from further escalation.
He called on the police to identify machete-wielding youths who were slashing fellow residents without any second thought, and have them held accountable.
An irate Frank said there was no room for such residents with attitude problems to live in the city.
He assured city residents and business houses that the situation is under control and normalcy has been restored.
The situation is being monitored to ensure safety and security of everyone is maintained, he said.
All the makeshift shelters outside the stadium, Rita Flyn, and PILAG have been demolished because the priviledge given was misused, said Mr Frank.
He said loitering and makeshift shelters would not be permitted again around the vicinity of the counting centres.
For the Central Seats’ counting centres, he said, it has been peaceful and orderly so the status quo will be maintained.
On behalf of the Municipal Government, he apologised to business houses, other candidates and residents for any inconvenience caused.
Next: PNG Elections : IDEC Chair , Pomeleu calls for Counting to be speed up
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