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Review - Dying for Mercy by Mary Jane Clark

400p, Avon Reprint Edition, Isbn-0061286125

Synopsis – The recently renovated Pentimento, located in New York’s exclusive moneyed enclave of Tuxedo Park, is no ordinary estate. Strange secrets have been ingeniously built into its fountains, frescoes, statues, and architecture—clues to a bizarre mystery that is first brought to light when the owner commits suicide during a lavish gala.

Eliza Blake, co-anchor of the popular morning television show KEY to America, is present when the party is cut short by the host’s sudden, macabre death—and she’s the first to discover that Pentimento is a giant “puzzle house.” But each piece is leading Eliza and her KEY News colleagues—producer Annabelle Murphy, cameraman B. J. D’Elia, and psychiatrist Margo Gonzalez—deeper into darkness, toward a killer who believes that some puzzles must never be solved. And it soon becomes shockingly clear that no amount of wealth or privilege can keep the residents of Tuxedo Park safe . . . and alive.

My thoughts – Honestly, I was disappointed. I went into it with high expectations, having read quite a few rave reviews for this book. And the beginning quite justified the hype. There is this unbelievably rich man who has built a gigantic puzzle in the form of his over-the-top mansion and here is a beautiful TV personality on the spot to put it all together – what could be better? Everything, as it ultimately turned out.

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