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When you talk about going hiking, there’s a lot of gibbering about “getting ready” and it is important to know what this means and what things need to be in place before a hike. Keeping a simple, but backpacking gear checklist with items such as sleeping pad, sleeping bag, tent, and so on will make you stay safe while you enjoy every moment. Whether you choose a day hike or a mountain summit, a little preparation will help you achieve your goals safely. Read on to find out our top tips to help you prepare and make your trip a success.

What Is Hiking And What Types of Hikes Are There?

Hiking is a long, strenuous walk, usually on footpaths or trails in the countryside. It is a popular activity having several hiking organizations globally. It can also be described as an outdoor activity that involves walking mostly on mountainous or some other scenic terrain.

There are various types of hikes that demand different preparation which implies that your preparation will depend on the type of hike you want to engage in. There are the general needs of all hikers while other needs will be based on your goals, weather conditions, and the hike location. If you go prepared, you stand a good chance of enjoying the hike notwithstanding the weather conditions. Some of the types of hiking include:

day hiking: this is an outdoor activity that involves groups or individuals walking on trails during the day without planning for overnight stays.
backpacking: this involves spending the whole day carrying all your gear and entire equipment on your back, hiking, and traveling through nature after which you sleep outside in a hammock or tent and this can run for several months.
bushwhacking: just as the name suggests, it relates to beating through bushes. It involves cutting down low tree branches and bushes to push one’s way in a specific direction through dense vegetation.
section hiking: this is the type of hiking where one hikes on a long trail in multiple phases which can be done in different ways like several weekend trips.
peak-bagging: this is another form of hiking where a group of hikers, climbers, and mountaineers try to reach a collection of summits that are part of a list. These lists consist of peaks within a particular geographic location with significance, for instance, being the most favorable or highest.

Preparing For Multi-day Hiking

Multi-day hiking ranges from spending an overnight on the Appalachian Trail to hiking each part of the ​trail via a series of multi-day hikes over several years, called section hiking. It requires more commitment than a day of hiking and demands more preparation including figuring out food, equipment, and clothing along with trail regulations and backcountry skills. So, appropriate planning is important to attain a successful multi-day hike. To get set for a multi-day hike, check out these tips.

#1. Carry Out Proper Research!

This is the first important thing to do when planning a multi-day hike. There is a need to have adequate knowledge of the area you will be hiking. With that, you will be able to know things to expect such as the rules and regulations, trail closures, and the weather conditions.

First, go through the official information and to get this done, read guidebooks, visit national park services websites, and learn the rules and recommendations set down by your local department of conservation or department of natural resources. Next, gather unofficial information. For instance, search for community discussion groups and forums that have been created by hikers and campers who know and are experienced with your chosen area.

#2. Start Challenging Your Physical Limits!

Challenge yourself daily. Hit the gym and spend plenty of time on the stair climber. Also, ask a trainer to assist you with exercises that will strengthen both your core and legs. You will need it to endure the activity.

#3. Take Proper Care Of Your Feet!

It is possible to experience hell in the middle of a national park far away from civilization if you end up nursing sore feet and blisters. So caring for your feet shouldn’t be disregarded. Never hike without proper first aid in place to help you take care of your health needs. Purchase durable footwear that is strong enough to withstand the rigorous task and able to protect your feet.

#4. It’s Worth Investing In Lighter Gear!

Your gear includes cooking equipment, a tent, extra clothing, and light sleeping pads. All these must be light enough so as not to weary you quickly. Also, invest in water purification straws or filtration tablets and also map out places you are likely to find water. Plan your meal and avoid waste by first consuming food that can get spoiled quickly.

On a final note, grab a copy of the trail map because it can be a life saver in case you have a battery or an equipment failure. Also, get a waterproof carrying case for that map. Investments in these durable pieces of equipment will help you withstand a lot of abuse and help you navigate the toughest areas you wouldn’t have been able to.

Be Prepared To Have A Great Time

In conclusion, try to avoid having negative feelings about the experience but rather take out time to get yourself ready as much as you can using the tips already provided. Promise yourself that you will enjoy every part of the journey even when you stink, or you have to wear the same clothes for a long time and understand that it is part of what will spice up the experience.

Most importantly, get the planning done, so that you will focus on the experience. Don’t be anxious even if you are last, it is simply a game of the mind that makes you feel better!
