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Author Guest Post - Karen White (& Giveaway - closed)

CONGRATS TO LUCKY WINNER – CHERYL Readers, please join me welcoming Karen White, author of The Girl On Legare Street who will be guest blogging here today! This book continues the story of Melanie Middleton and Jack Trenholm that was such fun in last November’s The House on Tradd Street . In it, Karen returns to Charleston where Melanie and Jack’s relationship remains rocky, the house on Tradd Street continues to be renovated and there are messages—and a mystery—from the spirit world waiting.  Things You’re Not Supposed to do to be a Successfully Published Author: My Career in a Nutshell On November 3rd, my 11th published novel since 2000, The Girl On Legare Street , will hit bookstore shelves everywhere. I can hardly believe I’ve written so many books–more, really, when you include the completed manuscript languishing under my bed and the nearly completed manuscript I’m currently slaving over. Which would make it 13 books but who’s counting? I started out in this business blessedly