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With more people than ever trying veganuary and a large portion of them from the UK, I thought it might be helpful to show you how to veganise some traditional British meals. Btw in the photo above you can see a full vegan English breakfast I had in Bristol 😍😍😍 About the photo above: I met a guy in @greggs_official Let’s call him Greg bcs i dont know his actual name but wouldnt that be funny. I bought the #vegansausageroll (yes greggs 👏) and Greg bought the one made of pig. I said “hey, have you tried the vegan one?” Greg said “yeah, it’s too salty for me 😬” i was like “fair dinkum” (bcs i get my english-speaking slang confused sometimes slash i like to show off that i used to live in Australia…) Greg was like “what?” and, not wanting to encourage the #rudevegan stereotype i added “soz, i didnt want to be pushy, it’s just if you hadnt had it i would have offered you mine”. Greg was like “noooo i get it!! I actually spent the whole weekend vegan with my #veganlady friend so i n


When you talk about going hiking, there’s a lot of gibbering about “getting ready” and it is important to know what this means and what things need to be in place before a hike. Keeping a simple, but backpacking gear checklist with items such as sleeping pad, sleeping bag, tent, and so on will make you stay safe while you enjoy every moment. Whether you choose a day hike or a mountain summit, a little preparation will help you achieve your goals safely. Read on to find out our top tips to help you prepare and make your trip a success. What Is Hiking And What Types of Hikes Are There? Hiking is a long, strenuous walk, usually on footpaths or trails in the countryside. It is a popular activity having several hiking organizations globally. It can also be described as an outdoor activity that involves walking mostly on mountainous or some other scenic terrain. There are various types of hikes that demand different preparation which implies that your preparation will depend on the type of

Belavadi Veeranarayana Temple: The Hoysala Gem with 108 Lathe Turned Pillars

Allow me to take you to yet another offbeat temple gem from the Hoysala era. This temple from the 13th century is a trikuta (which means it has three shrines) and it is one of the largest temples built by the Hoysala kings. It is located at the place where the Pandava prince Bheema killed the demon Bakasura to protect the villagers. On the day of the summer solstice, the rays of the morning sun fall directly on the idol of Lord Veera Narayana deep in the garbha griha.  This amazing temple that I am talking about is the Veeranarayana temple and it is located at Belavadi, a small village just a few kilometers away from the world famous temples of Halebid and Belur. As you park your vehicle in front of the temple and by the lane of pretty little village houses, you will notice the elephants that greet you right at the temple entrance. The jagli katte (or relaxation arena) right behind these elephants is one of my favorite areas of the temple as this is where you can put your feet up, enjo

Review - Dying Scream by Mary Burton

An aspiring artist. A high-school senior. A stripper. Three women who seemed to have nothing in common except their sudden disappearance. But one man knew them all. Wealthy, privileged Craig Thornton even claimed to love them. And for that, they paid the ultimate price. When Adrianna Barrington receives an anniversary card from her husband Craig, she assumes it’s some crackpot’s idea of a joke. After all, Craig is dead. But then come phone calls, flowers, messages. . .all reminding her how much Craig misses her. While Adrianna begins to doubt her sanity, grisly remains are found on the Thornton estate. Detective Gage Hudson is convinced the bodies are linked to Craig. But the biggest shocks are yet to come. A psychopath has taken up his chilling work again, each death a prelude to the moment when she is under his control at last. And the only way for Gage and Adrianna to stop him is to uncover the truth about a family’s dark past–and a twisted love that someone will kill for, again and