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Apakah Punca Mata Kering?

APAKAH   PENYAKIT MATA KERING? Mata kering adalah satu keadaan di mana terdapat kekurangan air mata untuk melembabkan dan menyuburkan mata. Air mata adalah perlu untuk mengekalkan kesihatan mata dan untuk memberi penglihatan yang jelas. Mereka yang mengalami mata kering adalah disebabkan oleh pengeluaran air mata yang kurang ataupun mempunyai air mata yang tidak  berkualiti. Mata kering adalah satu masalah biasa yang kronik dialami terutamanya di kalangan orang dewasa yang lebih tua. Masalah ini boleh mengakibatkan gangguan pada permukaan mata dan seterusnya menyebabkan gejala yang kurang selesa serta memberi kesan terhadap kualiti hidup. JIKA MATA ANDA : Kemerahan Sakit Berasa Gatal Terdapat Sensasi Benda Asing Anda mungkin menghidapi penyakit mata kering. Mata anda mungkin juga akan sensitif kepada cahaya, air mata mengalir, atau penglihatan menjadi kabur. GEJALA PENYAKIT MATA KERING : Lebih kerap dilihat pada;                         Wanita dan Golongan Tua. SIAPAKAH YANG BERISIKO M...

FPHP Quick Tips

#FPHPQUICKTIPS ATTENTION!! If you find out that you have any of this symptom please refer your Doctor or Pharmacist as soon as possible. Stay with our Channel on  Facebook  ,  Instagram  and our FB Page ( I Am Healthy ) for more info and current issue that we’re focusing on from time to time. Don’t forget to share your opinion and experience with us. Sharing is Caring!! Prepared by : Nur Hazida Binti Abdul Jabar 

Girl Talk: Feminine Hygine

FEMININE HYGIENE Vulva and vaginal basics First things first: What is the vagina, what is the vulva, and what is the difference between the two? In medical terms, the vagina refers to the internal muscular tract extending from the cervix to the vaginal opening. The vulva is the external part of the female genital tract, which includes: -The inner and outer labia (labia minora and majora) -The glans clitoris (the external part of the clitoris) and clitoral hood (the fold of skin protecting the glans clitoris) -The vestibule (which surrounds the vaginal opening) -The urethral opening To maintain vulvar and vaginal health, a person must ensure that two important aspects remain balanced: their pH, which is a measurement that denotes something’s acidity or alkalinity, and their bacterial balance. Studies indicate that vulvar pH is usually 3.5–4.7 , while vaginal pH varies according to a person’s age and the stage of their menstrual cycle . So, before a person reaches reproductive...

Osteoporosis Screening and You

Did you know that you can actually get screened for osteoporosis at your community pharmacy? IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT IS THE BIGGEST TREAT TO THE HEALTH OF MALAYSIANS THESE DAYS? Nik Jah : The biggest threat to the healthy of Malaysia now are non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, hypertention and also osteoporosis. The rise in NCDs is predominantly due to unhealthy urban lifestyle such as work stress, being sedentery and unhealthy eating habits, as well as our population is now getting older. WHAT IS OSTEOPOROSIS AND HOW MUCH DOES IT AFFECT MALAYSIANS? Nik Jah : Osteoporosis is a disease characterised by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue which increases bone fragility and alsorisk of fracture. It is ususally asymptomatic and thus remains undetected until the person develops a fracture. During the late stages of osteoporosis, scoliosis, loss of height, neck strain, back pain and fractures may appear. Due to an increase in the elderly population, osteoporosis has b...

Mental Health Awareness

Mental disorder/illness Introduction Diagnosis To determine a diagnosis and check for related complications, you may have: A physical exam.  Your doctor will try to rule out physical problems that could cause your symptoms. Lab tests.  These may include, for example, a check of your thyroid function or a screening for alcohol and drugs. A psychological evaluation.  A doctor or mental health provider talks to you about your symptoms, thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns. You may be asked to fill out a questionnaire to help answer these questions. Determining which mental illness, you have. The defining symptoms to determine which mental illness you have are detailed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association. This is used by mental health providers to diagnose mental conditions and by insurance companies to reimburse for treatment. Another method is, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS...

How to Bust Through the Dreaded Writer's Block

This is a guest post by Charles Dearing. Writer’s block happens to even the best out there. There are plenty of reasons behind this predicament. Many writers feel tired after long hours of composing their ideas. Some find it difficult to write a certain topic, leaving them unmotivated to continue. Others simply get distracted. It must be unavoidable, but there are ways to bust through that block

Digital Marketing Strategies That Enhance Your Business Growth

Digital marketing is the ship which is empowered by your digital dreams and takes your business ahead. Marketing has always been important for a business to grow. But today, it’s more important than ever because of the power behind it – The internet. When content is blazing, social media becomes the gasoline to spread it like a wildfire. Now, the competition and survival of every