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PNG Vice Regal Calls for Grand Chief Title to be bestowed on Sir Julius Chan

The Papua New Guinea  Governor General Grand Chief Sir Bob Dadae has called for the Parliamentary Grand Chief title, to be bestowed upon New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan. Sir Julius Chan  Sir Bob issued this call when addressing the opening of the 11th National Parliament this morning. He said the Grand Chief title should be given to Sir Julius Chan as the last man standing, from the founding fathers of Papua New Guinea. Sir Julius was a two term Prime Minister from 1980 to 1982, and later from 1994 to 1997, after entering politics during the House of Assembly as the MP for Namatanai in 1968. NBC News / PNG Today Next :  SP PNG Hunters Coach Church to depart

Puthuthottam Estate: The Hidden Gem of Anaimalai Tiger Reserve

It is a 3000 acre estate comprising of tea gardens, coffee plants and native trees that is located just a few kilometres before Valparai, the unsung hill station of India . It is surrounded by the forests of the Anaimalai tiger reserve on all sides and it itself falls in the buffer zone of the Anaimalai Tiger Reserve. It is a great destination to spot diverse wildlife and birdlife and this specifically holds true for the lion tailed macaque, a primate species endemic to this part of the Western Ghats. I am talking about Puthuthottam Estate, the hidden gem of Anaimalai Tiger Reserve. Puthuthottam wakes up to its usual jungle music every morning. The Malabar whistling thrush whistles in all its glory. The black rumped flameback woodpecker’s drilling sound reverberates in the woods. And some times, you can even hear the gruff guttural calls of the Great hornbill and may be hear its iconic wing beat and see it as its flies overhead. As you excitedly wake up to these gorgeous sounds and s