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PNG Police update on Election related Violence and attack in Port Moresby

Media Statement from Anthony Wagambie Junior- ACP and Commander NCD/Central  A stand off outside the Sir John Guise Stadium calumniated into a violent attack in which supporters of rival candidates clashed with bush knives and other offensive weapons.  Police , PNGDF and Correctional Services personnel responded immediately.  A cluster of makeshift tents set up outside the Stadium and along the fence line of Vision City mall were removed by the security forces. In the process of doing so, knives, clubs, and other non lethal   offensive weapons  were found and confiscated.  What happened outside of the counting centre?  This altercation and violence has put the lives of the innocent public in danger. We must understand that while the election process is taking place , people must be free to move about their normal activities without the fear of violence.  Detectives at the helm of the investigations have confirmed that two men were  wounded in these attacks.  A footage of the marauding ...

PNG Opposition Calls on Police to act : Ban Social Media Platforms

 Papua New Guinea Opposition Leader Joseph Lelang is disturbed by the social media post, showing a picture of a young girl stripped naked and helplessly at the hands of hooligans up in Tari. In a media statement, Mr Lelang is calling on the Government to ban social media platforms. Mr Lelang being angry over this, says these culprits should be dealt with by the law immediately within 24 or 48 hours. “Normalcy and morality no longer exist in this society. What kind of society are we trying to raise our future generation – why are we waiting this long, we need the police to act and apprehend these culprits,” he said this furiously. He said the Prime Minister James Marape must put a stop to his never-ending jet – legging and stop and clean this anarchy in his province immediately. Mr Lelang asked why criminals, murderers, rapists, terrorists and all these hooligans to be running around freely and holding the country to ransom.  He said seeing this type of news was horrible to all decent c...

Apakah Punca Mata Kering?

APAKAH   PENYAKIT MATA KERING? Mata kering adalah satu keadaan di mana terdapat kekurangan air mata untuk melembabkan dan menyuburkan mata. Air mata adalah perlu untuk mengekalkan kesihatan mata dan untuk memberi penglihatan yang jelas. Mereka yang mengalami mata kering adalah disebabkan oleh pengeluaran air mata yang kurang ataupun mempunyai air mata yang tidak  berkualiti. Mata kering adalah satu masalah biasa yang kronik dialami terutamanya di kalangan orang dewasa yang lebih tua. Masalah ini boleh mengakibatkan gangguan pada permukaan mata dan seterusnya menyebabkan gejala yang kurang selesa serta memberi kesan terhadap kualiti hidup. JIKA MATA ANDA : Kemerahan Sakit Berasa Gatal Terdapat Sensasi Benda Asing Anda mungkin menghidapi penyakit mata kering. Mata anda mungkin juga akan sensitif kepada cahaya, air mata mengalir, atau penglihatan menjadi kabur. GEJALA PENYAKIT MATA KERING : Lebih kerap dilihat pada;                         Wanita dan Golongan Tua. SIAPAKAH YANG BERISIKO M...