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PNG's Airline Air Niugini is Committed to Safety

Statement  “Our top priority at Air Niugini is ensuring the highest levels of safety for our passengers, crew, and the public. We are fully committed to this goal and will take all necessary measures to maintain safety standards. This includes the possibility of delaying or cancelling a flight due to factors such as bad weather, security issues, technical problems, or operational requirements. Our dedication to safety is unwavering, and we will not compromise it for any reason.” That’s from Air Niugini’s Acting Chief Executive Officer, Gary Seddon following recent flight delays and queries from the traveling public. According to Seddon, while the inconvenience caused is regrettable, safety will always be given priority over other interests. The company boasts a team of highly skilled engineers and maintenance personnel who are dedicated to safety and work tirelessly day and night to ensure that the aircraft are safe to operate.  Since April 2022, Air Niugini has operated over 26,000 fl

Kunzum La: Scenic mountain pass connecting Lahaul and Spiti Valleys

Rohtang La, Lahaul valley and the highway to Leh lie to one side of it and to its other side lie the beautiful high altitude villages of Spiti valley . Standing tall between all these spectacular destinations lies Kunzum La, a 14, 931 feet high mountain pass in the Eastern Kunzum range of the Himalayas. The most special attribute about Kunzum pass has to be the journey to reach the top of the pass. If you are coming from Kaza, you will have to cross the semi-arid cold desert landscape of Losar and if you happen to be coming from Gramphoo, you will be crossing the treacherous Chenab river valley before you start the steep ascent from Batal. Unlike the other mountain passes in the region, the Kunzum pass is the one that offers the toughest road conditions. Mountain streams overflowing onto the roads, huge boulders falling on to the roads, umpteen landslide zones and overall steep and rough terrain greet you on this route. Add to it the absolutely gorgeous Chandra Taal lake enroute and

How to propagate Orchid cactus (Disocactus) from cuttings

Living in the UK you wouldn’t think that it would be possible to find epiphytic orchid cacti hanging from a tree, but grow them here you can. In fact arguably the most attractive of them all – Disocactus × jenkinsonii (usually always miss-named as Disocactus ackermannii) is considered hardy in the UK and has be given the prestigious Award of Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society! In reality, this is a hybrid between Disocactus phyllanthoides and Disocactus speciosus. It has a very complex taxonomic history and has been mistaken for Disocactus ackermannii for a long time. It is extremely rare to see Orchid cacti (Disocactus species) for sale but assuming you come a cross a speciment it is very easy to take cutting to propagate you own specimen. Check out the video above where the surprisingly simple process of propagating Orchid cactus (Disocactus) is explained. If you would like to leave a comment we would love to hear from you, and consider pressing the ‘Like’ buttoned or subscribe