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Election Results for Manus Province 2022

 Below are the progressive results for  Manus Province. Only the top five (5) candidates for the provincial and the open seats are given.  #updated :31/07/22 Manus Regional  Top five (5) candidates  (declared )  CHARLIE BENJAMIN PANGU 12,439  (Declared winner)  GEORGE SIKIN PNC 6996DAVID SOVO AUSSELL ULP 3,440JAMES KIELE PNGP 2,520KEPO POMAT IND 2,114 ————————————- Manus Open  Top five (5) candidates ( Declared )  JOB POMAT PANGU 9,168 (declared winner after elimination)  RONNY KNIGHT PNGNP Active 7224LYNN OZANNE RONNIE IND Active 3,956BEN LOMAI PLP Active 2,362PETER HAEI PETSUL PNGP Active 1,808 Next :  Election Results for East New Britain Province 2022

HOW TO WATER TREE FERNS - What the garden centres don't tell you!

With the effect of climate change affecting summer temperatures and rainfall in the UK, maintaining tree ferns in peak condition is becoming increasing difficult. The reason for this is simple. Tree ferns typically thrive in cloud forests, also called a water forest, characterized by a persistent, frequent or seasonal low-level cloud cover. The result of this is a something equivalent to 1 metres of rainfall per year. Now transfer this plant to the drought ridden summers of the United Kingdom and something has to give. You either need to provide your tree fern with the conditions it requires or you can watch it slowly disappear due to attrition! In order to cope with the specialist conditions of the cloud forest tree ferns have evolved several ways to enhance these unique environmental conditions. The canopy has developed a funnel-shaped structure to drawn in as much moisture and rainfall to the crown,and the trunk itself is like a huge sponge full of woody, fibrous roots. To reduce th...