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Election Results for Oro Province 2022

 The following are progressive results for the top five candidates for the Oro Provincial and Open seats. Updated : 5/8/22 SOHE OPEN ORO Top five candidates (Declared )  HENRY JONS AMULI PANGU PATI 9,120 (Declared after elimination) PAULINIAS UHENA United Resource Party 7,463DELILAH PUEKA GORE PNC 6,309SEBASTINE GAMBE VEVEHUPA NA 3,428MOSES ATADE PNGNP 2,192 ————————— POPONDETTA OPEN Top five (5) candidates ( declared )  RICHARD MASERE PNGGP 11,348 (Declared winner)   PETER TOROIPO IND 8768 SHELDON DEILALA PMFC 782BRIAN KOREWA ILP 627FRANCIS DIRA PNGP 601 ————————– IJIVITARI OPEN Top five candidates (Declared) DAVID NUI ARORE PNC 36,89 (Declared winner after elimination) ISAIAH MAMURE PANGU 3383 JOHN MIMINO IND 925 GEORGE KING BAURE PNGG 844 GILFORD AVENOMA LP 743 ————————...

National Alliance Party leader Patrick Pruaitch unseated

 National Alliance Party Leader, Patrick Pruaitch, who has held Aitape-Lumi’s seat for the last twenty years has lost his seat to the new PNC Party Candidate Anderson Mise this afternoon. Mr Pruaitch who scored 9,924 votes lost his seat to Anderson Mise who scored 16,629 votes past the Absolute Majority of 13,277. Total exhausted votes: 10,610.  National Alliance Party Leader, Patrick Pruaitch lost his seat [Parliament photo] Despite Mr Pruaitch not being present during the declaration at 6.05pm this afternoon, Mise thanked Pruaitch for representing Aitape-Lumi in the Parliament over the last twenty years. Mr Pruaitch is known as one of National Alliance’s powerhouse leaders across the country. Mise thanked him for putting Aitape-Lumi on the World map and for being a leader that is well known throughout the country. He (Mise) said Pruaitch did not only represent Aitape-Lumi but Papua New Guinea as a whole and he has held great respect for him. Supporters of Mr Mise gathered around town...