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Marape : No, Namah, O'Neill and David will deter my Men and I from our course for a better PNG

 PAPUA New Guinea, over the last three years, has been working at re-establishing stronger foundations and re-defining its destiny going forward into the future. Prime Minister Hon. James Marape – who, by law, remains the prime minister until the return of writs and establishment of the next government – said today from Fiji his resolve remains resolute and his focus total even if an army of Namahs, O’Neills and Davis’ marched against him with words of sharpest steel. The Prime Minister, who just handed over the leadership of the Melanesian Spearhead Group earlier today to Vanuatu PM Hon. Bob Loughman while balancing other regional negotiations at the 51st Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) summit in Fiji, said he would not be deterred by politically-fuelled, biased, unfounded criticisms by Belden Namah, Peter O’Neill, and Davis Steven that contributed little to nation-building.  “These men will never deter me and my leaders from the course we have set. Our paddles are already in deep, sails

PNG Water Police onlook out for four Missing Fishermen

Report by Constable Sylvester Wemuru – Police Media  Water Police officers in Port Moresby are now assisting the PNG National Maritime Safety Authority in the search for four Port Moresby-based fishermen that went missing last week Tuesday (February 7). Director Water Police Chief Inspector Chris Smith said Water Police officers helped initially when the report was lodged at the police station last week. He said the police officers are assisting the National Maritime Safety Authority officers. PNG Water Police onlook out for four Missing Fishermen  Mr Smith said the search was unsuccessful and no one has been found. He further added that the Water Police officers are doing their normal sea patrols around the waters of Port Moresby and are also keeping an eye out on those that went missing. As a result of this recent incident Mr Smith has again issued a strong appeal to people living along the sea and those traveling by sea to always listen to warnings that are issued by the PNG Weather

Supporting Young Hallilah Who Led Three Villages into Integrated Farming in PNG's East Sepik

 Wewak, ESP – The European Union-funded United Nations Joint Programme for Support to Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment and Trade and in PNG. EU-UN Joint Programme STREIT in Papua New Guinea continues to expand its support to rural areas of the Greater Sepik Region, specifically targeting women and youth in capacity building of agri-food value chain. Here, the programme extended technical assistance to a cooperative society in Turubu LLG of Wewak, East Sepik Province, with the help of a strong young woman. Hallilah Nakumai  24-year-old Hallilah Nakumai from Dandan Village in Turubu LLG, Wewak District in East Sepik Province is one of the vibrant women the EU-STREIT PNG Programme has come across in supporting build capacity and providing technical assistance to their established rural business activities. Graduated in 2020 with a Bachelor in Sustainable Tropical Agriculture at Papua New Guinea University of Natural Resources (UNRE), Hallilah found herself back in the village in Dandan